Operating Procedures Banner with laptop & physical files seen on a table.

Operating Procedures: Smart & Scaled

To maximize the value of your procedure libraries, you need to bring them to life as your technicians perform their activities. They need the right instructions, at the right time, with the right live configuration and data, and the right UX to guide them step by step for maximum success.

User Experience — Award-winning step-by-step guidance UX

Aware — Providing any asset or job situation, get the right instruction at the right time

On/Off-line — Sophisticated Off-line management

Collaborative — Work in tandem in real time with teammates or support

Training/Simulation mode — Prepare or train for a job to be done in the future

FieldLogs laptop and Ipad screen with task card revision management and task card exceution view respectively.

Your All-in-One Solution for Seamless Technician Operations

The FieldLogs operations “run time” or viewer aggregates all the information your technician needs, either online or offline. It contains your planned activities, delivers step-by-step guidance, and lets your technicians work as a team in real-time, or in collaboration with remote support.
FieldLogs Viewer maximizes your digital transformation value by being the indispensable all-in-one companion in your business operations.

Features Benefits Deliverable
✔ Granular guidance when executing a task informed by multiple data sources
✔ Remove clutters: Present only the right instruction at the right time to technicians
✔ Multi-client support — Web, iOS, Android
✔ Native integration of VRML and other CAD models
✔ Stylesheet-based customizable output in whatever visual format required
✔ Supports live or offline integration with multiple data sources or data outputs: Sensors, ERP data, collaboration, S1000D/iSpec2200 data formats, etc.
✔ Full API access including rich media
✔ Full user interaction audit trails
✔ Electronic signatures